Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Skippy's Lesson with Shannon

Today Skippy had the wonderful opportunity to be long-lined by Shannon and Lientje. Although, Skippy did not consider himself so fortunate. He was very cooperative though and Shannon thought he was quite cute! He did really try hard and after the long-lining I got on him and had a lesson with Shannon and Lientje together. He felt amazing to the right - engaged, quick, and light in front. To the left he was also good, but we still need work on the right rein connection. As Shannon put it: "inside leg to outside rein!" Where have I heard that before?!?! For a moment I thought mom was yelling at me!! =) haha. Boy do I want to pull on that left rein, but really I need to get him more in front of the left leg so he steps into the right rein connection. This is not something that comes in one lesson, or even many lessons sometimes, but at the end he was much more properly bent around the left leg and I had a good feel in the right rein while Skippy stayed quick and light. Overall, it was a great lesson.

Oslo and Cashew had a long walk in hadn today and then turnout with Skippy later in the afternoon. The horses are so craving green grass. It may be warm down here, but it is kind of deserty. They irrigate their lawns, but that is not for the horses =( Today Kate, the barn manager mowed the lawn in the front of the barn and all I could think of was how Skippy would have done just as good of a job! Instead he got to eat the grass clippings! I do feel kind of sorry for the horses who live here all year round because they would never have real grass. At least Oslo, Skippy, and Cashew will return to lush green pastures!

Kassandra Barteau moved into the barn a couple of days ago to become a working student for the Peters. For those of you who don't know, she competed young riders 2 years ago on her fancy stallion: GP Raymeister and her parents are the famous Barteaus who ride and train near Chicago. It is a big name for the dressage world. It has been fun getting to know her a bit more.

Dad and I miss mom but we are having a good time and I need to thank dad for being so helpful at the barn. He may almost be as good of a groom as Raffa (Steffen's groom for Ravel)! He has also been going around fixing things and building shelves for people at the barn. I think the barn manager loves him!

Other interesting facts that we have learned from our trip so far:
- San Diego drivers are crazy and no one knows how to merge
- about half the people at the grocery store are wearing riding pants and riding boots (finally I fit in!!!)
- HOA lanes are the greatest things ever and reduce our driving time to the barn by a significant amount
- the weather here is almost perfect
- one should always wear sunscreen when riding in San Diego!!!

I have been trying to post pictures, but the internet seems to be a bit too slow at times here. I will try a few more times and if it still doesn't work I will send some to mom to post at home.

Tomorrow Oslo gets a lesson with Steffen! Hopefully he can help us even more with the expressive trot work.

I am off to bed for a good nights rest. Goodnight from San Diego!


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