Monday, May 16, 2011

Last day at Arroyo =(

Today was our last full day at Arroyo. I rode all three horses by myself today since Lientje was away teaching a clinic in Chicago. Oslo has never felt so good. He was so through and supple and on the half-halt and in front of the leg and.... just amazing!!! Skippy was also quite good and we are thinking the extra alfalfa he has been getting might be helping our in front of the leg issue! I am trying to teach myself to not push in the rhythm with him (actually on all of them). I need to put my leg on for a stride or two and then relax it, not push every stride! Cashew was a bit spunky today so therefore I lunged her for just a couple minutes to let her take off and buck for a bit. I think it was really good for her actually just to let loose for a few minutes. When I got on she was great and we had another great ride. We are just continuing to work on the suppleness in the higher frame.

The rest of the day was spent packing and cleaning.

Tomorrow morning I have a lesson at 6:45 and 8:15 am. We are pretty much packed up, so dad and I hope to be on the road by about 10:00 am. I just wanted to get in a couple more lessons with Lientje before we left since she was gone all weekend and Monday. It should be a busy morning, but hopefully the boys are good and we get off earlier enough to get into San Francisco at a reasonable time.

I am really hoping Oslo travels well and that he is much more settled this time. He has been going so well that I hope we can show some of that off in the ring this time! It can be so frustrating to have a horse going so well and then he falls apart mentally at the show. So, we are crossing our fingers and I am hoping we can support each other a little better this time!

Goodnight from San Diego for the last time this trip!


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