Monday, May 2, 2011

Day off

We all got the day off except for Cashew who got a good lunging session and a good walk tour of the rings at the barn this morning. She was very good. Quite focused during the lunging session and she was very brave walking around, alone, in the big rings. She was a bit concerned about the roof on one of the gazebos blowing around (it was super windy today) but other than that she was great! I cannot wait to get on her tomorrow and do some work with her!!!

The barn was very quiet today and only a couple of horses were ridden today by a two of the trainers. Almost everyone was taking the day off after the show. It gave Cashew and I a good chance to walk around the rings and get used the environment.

It was very hot today, with temperatures reaching almost 90 degrees Fahrenheit/~31 degrees Celsius. Oslo thought it was so hot he only wanted to be in his turnout for a few minutes - long enough for him to roll and then he wanted to go right back into his shady stall (he stood at the gate of his turnout and would whinny at me whenever he saw me walking back and forth in the barn!). The heat is due to winds coming from the desert, which is very unusual for San Diego at this time of year. These very warm winds usually occur in November and often cause fires (last year the barn had to evacuate due to fire warnings and excess smoke). Tomorrow is also supposed to be really hot so everyone is planning on being at the barn really early in the morning to try and avoid the heat as much as possible - this is very hot weather for the area this time of year and the Canadians are not the only ones complaining about it! By Wednesday it is supposed to cool back down to normal temps - we all hope so anyways! I hear the weather is beautiful at home - I hope you are all enjoying it!

I will be headed to the barn first thing tomorrow morning to help Lientje with a horse, ride Cashew and then get a lesson on Oslo and Skippy with Lientje.

I hope everyone voted today! We are sitting and watching the election results on mom's computer now - we couldn't find the results on any television channel here. The Americans are completely focused on their Osama news...


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