Friday, May 13, 2011

Great Day!

I am going to start with something non horsey this time since I think even the horsey people can hear the words "inside leg to outside rein" too many times!

Since I was done all 3 lessons before 9:30 am this morning, dad and I ventured off and did a hike up Cowles mountain in the afternoon. The summit was the highest point in San Diego and was definitely a good workout for the legs. It was slightly foggy/hazy today so we couldn't see Mexico, but we could see downtown San Diego and it was a great view and a nice break from the city. Even though it was a hiking trail, there was still a fair amount of people though and I came to the realization that I am beginning to get a bit home sick. I miss Canada and the farm!! The one good thing is that the barn is nice and quiet - it is my escape from the traffic noise and crowds. Good escape I think! Dad and I are planning on doing another hike on Sunday and it is supposed to be less busy.

Now to the horses... I had lessons with Lientje on all three of the horses today. My first lesson was at 7:00 this morning on Skippy. Skippy thought this was too early for him or he was just not in the mood for work. He started out super, but then he began to feel tired and lazy very quickly. He almost seems to be a horse that works better the second or third day in a row. It's like once he has a day off, he gets used to it and doesn't think he should have to work again! Our main focus with him has been left leg to right rein. First we really need to get him on the right rein and almost hollow him right. Then we add the left leg and I try my hardest to shift his big barrel away from the left leg into my firm right rein. All I can say, is that it is a lot harder than it sounds!

Oslo was very good today. Perhaps a little tired, but the trot was easier today. We also worked more on the canter pirouettes and I feel like I am much more prepared to ride them properly in the ring now. Half pirouettes on the centre line is on of the greatest exercises ever!

Cashew was less feisty today and didn't put a foot wrong in the trot. I think she wore herself out a bit yesterday so she felt a bit tired in the canter today, but overall she was very cooperative today and we had some very good trot work.

I will ride Oslo and Skippy tomorrow and then Cashew on Sunday. Lientje is gone Monday, so I will ride all 3 on my own and then Oslo and Skippy will get a final lesson first thing Tuesday morning before we head to the San Francisco area for the Woodside show. It is about an 8 - 10 hour drive depending on the traffic through L.A. and the number of rest stops we do. We are arriving to the show grounds early to hopefully let Oslo adjust. I am crossing my fingers that is enough time for him and that the show grounds will be less scary this time.

It has been a long day! I think I will sleep tonight! Goodnight.


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