Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Week Two

Monday and Tuesday were lessons with Lientje. On Monday Lientje rode Oslo for the second time ever. She hasn't been on him for almost a year now. She wanted to get a feeling for his short work and how to tactfully get him more in front of the leg. He looked absolutely amazing with her! Lientje's timing is just incredible and her feel for the slightest incorrect pressure in the hand is remarkable. To say the least, she has very high standards! It was a matter of getting Oslo truly more in front of the leg and supple over the back. Sounds familiar, eh? Same ultimate goal for all of them. It was so minor but when I got on him Tuesday, he felt like a million bucks! Soft and supple and so properly in front. Therefore, his connection was perfect as long as I kept him on the half-halt and stepping under. His whole body shortened and he felt just that bit more rideable. I feel it is more the training of me now that needs the attention. Don't work so hard and soften your upper leg! It is a bit of a different feeling, but when I get it, Oslo has this amazing passage. It involves keeping my upper body back slightly, loose legs and maintaining the suppleness!

Lientje now calls Oslo "the smartest horse"! She thought he picked everything up so fast in the last two days. He just seems to understand the role of his body in the piaffe and passage now. I am not sure I agree with her on the smartest horse comment, perhaps SMRT smart.....! Poor Oslo. He knows I love him though! I don't think either of us would be nearly as happy without each other!

Therefore, the next couple of weeks look very exciting for Oslo and me!

Cashew has been a bit tricky! Her "red headedness" has really been showing the last couple of days. She progressed so much in the first week I don't think she realized what she had gotten herself into! We started some in hand work with her this week and it has proven to be very beneficial for her body and her mind. I have realized Cashew has never been completely focused on me and the work. She seems to be listening at about 75%. So the in hand work has focused her and caused her to be a bit more sensitive. Lientje does some in hand work and then I jump on for the last part of the lesson. It has made a world of difference in her suppleness and when she is carrying herself with her loose neck, so feels incredible. Those times may be few and far between at the moment, but I actually think Lientje is more stubborn than Cashew so I believe we will get it! Cashew isn't German so I think Lientje has a leg up in the stubborn department!

Today was a trail ride for Miss Cashew to give her a mental break from the arena work and Oslo had a nice stroll along the pond and field as well. Tomorrow Cashew has a lesson and Oslo and I are testing our new tools on our own. Lientje is off to Germany in the afternoon and returns Sunday. Therefore, the ponies and I will go Friday and probably Saturday, with Sunday as a hand walking day.

The weather has been the same every day here. I guess that is why people live here. No reason to check the weather, unlike back home! Alberta meteorologists must have much more exciting jobs than the ones here. But I guess they get to go surfing here! People down here seem very nice and everyone welcoming, until they get in their car. I will NEVER complain about Calgary drivers again, as they are unbelievable here. "California lane change" is a new phrase we learned yesterday. This is when you shoulder check and change lanes at the same time. Likely without signalling too. Drivers are erratic and just plain rude. Oh, and merging is a completely foreign concept to most. Hence why we usually take the back roads to the barn, as the interstates are a scary and frustrating experience. I am extremely thankful for having dad to drive my horses across this country. He somehow manages to stay calm and keep us all safe on these crazy roads.

Until next time,

Lindsay + Cashew + "the smartest horse" - Oslo

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